that was a peice of shit!!!
look the whole battle for the portal thing has been done to death!! the only reason this peice of shis is still here is because the clocks win! im sick and fucking tired of shitty movies that get high scores because they involve the clock crew look theres nothing good about putting the word clock in front of some random word and becoming some new personality! okay when i go into a chat room or onto a website wether or not im using an alias i still act like me (who i might add is turning into a very bitter person thanks to you dipshits!) im willing to bet that mister oh so mighty strawberry clock is some stupid freckly 14 year old who cant get a date because hes so fucking hidius that he has to wear a mask just so he dosen end the world by looking out the fucking window!!!
god fucking damnit!! i hate you all
you wanna know the real reason that newgrounds has like no bandwidth? its because of all this shitty flash that piles up and never ever gest blammed because of all you fucking peices of shit making shitty movies and puttiong them here and they all get great scored because some fucking red berry with a fucking clock jammed into its side is in the movie!!! these movies are mostly un optimised and are so shit it boggles the mind!!!!!!!!
have a fucking horible peice of shit ass mongrel day you fucking ass holes!!!!!!!!